In Case You Are Wondering…
what the heck is going on with the grass in the Rockrimmon Blvd. median strip? It’s dead or dying!!
Well, calm down pilgrims. Our City Parks Department is replacing the grass with “Wheat Grass.” This involves killing the old grass (now done), and re-seeding with Wheat Grass (also done). Shortly, the Wheat Grass will emerge and the medians will again be green and beautiful. Soon the Rockrimmon medians shown on the left below will look like the Centennial medians on the right.
Why do this? It’s good economics. Wheat Grass requires much less water, grows slower, and does not have to be mowed as often. The medians on Centennial Blvd. have undergone this transformation and the result is not only pleasing to the eye, but also to us taxpayers!