Locking Mailbox Update

As reported in our Spring Newsletter, your Board agreed to allot up to $700 for a pilot project to offer locking mailboxes to our Discovery homeowners for $100 per property, including installation, if there was enough interest. The offer was enthusiastically embraced and there was more than enough interest! We received requests from 45 households but only had enough funding for the first 16. Several neighbors subsequently purchased and made arrangements for installation on their own. Currently, 24 properties are “wait listed.” While the Board recently approved additional funds for continuation of the program, it is currently on hold pending determination of the continued level of interest.

Installation on our mailbox structures proved to be more difficult and time-consuming than our selected installer imagined. Thus we were recently notified that the installer will require $25 more per mailbox for any future installations in our mailbox structures. We were able to locate a second installer to help meet the demand, but he also requires $75 per installation. Therefore, while the Board is still willing to make a bulk purchase to keep the price down, it will rise to $125 per mailbox. This is still a great opportunity. We will contact the owners on the waitlist to determine if they are still interested. 
If you are interested in a locking mailbox at the adjusted price of $125 (installed), please call or text (719) 964-4122 by the end of October. Be sure to leave your name, address, and contact information.