Items of Interest

BURN RESTRICTIONS:  The CSFD ordered burn restrictions into effect on Friday, October 11th. The following is now prohibited until further notice: any type of fire (open or contained) on any undeveloped wildland areas, brushy areas or grassy areas; recreational fires and bonfires; open or prescribed burns; outdoor smoking in all city parks and open spaces; recreational fireworks/devices requiring ignition such as sparklers, snakes, aerials, comets, flares, flyers, fountains, missiles, mortars, spinners, punks, rockets, shells, etc.; trash/rubbish burning; and small internal combustion engines operated without a properly installed, maintained and functioning spark arrestor. 

WATERING RESTRICTIONS:  Watering restrictions were lifted on October 15.  Many of us have turned off our sprinkler systems, but please don't forget that your shrubs and trees need water throughout the winter. Please plan to "drag a hose" or dump a Home Depot can or two or water around them periodically when the ground is not frozenDetails of the water conservation program can be found here

ANNUAL MEETING:  Our 2024 Annual Meeting was held on Thursday, October 3rd. The meeting was well attended and enthusiastically supported. Following an excellent presentation from Andi Gregory of the CSFD Wildfire Mitigation Section, the membership in attendance approved the 2023 Annual Meeting minutes and the 2024 Budget. After a review of Old Business and discussion of new items of interest, the membership elected two new members to the 2025 Board of Directors and re-elected seven members who expressed an interest in continuing to serve. Details are available here.

LOCKING MAILBOXES: We have no more locking mailboxes and there is currently no plan to purchase and offer more at a discount. 

SIDEWALK OBSTRUCTIONS: Some of our mature shrubs (particularly junipers and pines!) benefited greatly from our earlier wet weather and now extend over our sidewalks enough to interfere with clear passage. Once their branches are weighted down with wet snow, they will indeed become a hazard for our many walkers. Please trim them back to the edge of the sidewalk and up to at least 6 feet. City Ordinance 3.4.103 requires:  "Every owner and occupant of real property within the City shall keep the public sidewalks which abut or are adjacent to their real property, or public sidewalks located upon real property subject to a public easement or right of way, in a clean condition free from projections and obstructions across the surface, debris, litter, or dangerous conditions not involving the structural integrity of the sidewalk."  We will be surveying our Discovery sidewalks in the near future to identify properties that need to be reminded of this civic obligation.


We are aware of the presence of a few storage sheds in Discovery. Some were approved…and some “magically appeared.”  No further violations of ARC Approval will be permitted. Any future sheds discovered to have been constructed without ARC approval will be subject to relocation or removal at the owner's expense.  Please review the information on sheds in our FAQ area before you decide if you need a shed in your yard.

Your SPRING 2024 Newsletter is now available in the Documents area. We hope you find it both interesting and useful.